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Zambia’s DPP Collaborates with IACCC to Combat Corruption.

London, 29 Sep, 2023 In the vibrant ambiance of the 28th International Prosecutors’ Association (IAP) Annual General Meeting held in London, Zambia’s Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Mr. Gilbert Phiri SC, and his delegation embarked on a mission that could reshape international efforts against corruption. Their transformative meeting with key figures from the International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre (IACCC) held the promise of enhanced global cooperation in the fight against corruption.  Among the distinguished individuals that Mr. Phiri and his team had the privilege of meeting during this critical encounter were Tai Chang, a representative of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Danny Murphy, the head of the IACCC; and David Coonan, an FBI TAP advisor specializing in South Africa. Together, they explored innovative ways to enhance international cooperation in the relentless battle against corruption. The highlights of Mr. Phiri’s visit

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