The National Prosecution Authority Secures Major Victory In Forfeiture Of Zmw 2,120,104.21
Lusaka, December 5, 2023In a display of Private-Public Partnership Coordination at its best, the National ProsecutionAuthority (NPA) in collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) and a Zambianbased Bank, proudly announces yet another significant stride in the ongoing battle againsteconomic and financial crimes. The NPA has successfully secured the forfeiture of ZMW2,120,104.21 from Shadreck Bwalya Zulu’s account held with a premier banking institution. Thisachievement stems from a meticulous investigation initiated by the bank, which identifiedsuspicious transactions within the cited account, prompting immediate flagging.On the 1st December 2023, the High Court at Lusaka delivered a significant judgment in thismatter. In this judgment, the court, after a comprehensive examination and consideration of allevidence, granted a Non-Conviction Based Forfeiture Order to the Applicant, the Director ofPublic Prosecutions (DPP). The decision aligns with international legal standards.Analysis uncovered Mr. Zulu’s use of a forged National